Cookies Policy

The purpose of this cookies policy is to help you understand how we use cookies and your rights in relation.

You consent to our cookies if you continue to use our website. This consent is valid for a period of 12 months.

We can only store cookies on your device if they are strictly necessary for the operation of this site. For all other types of cookies, we need your permission. In this case, you can accept or refuse cookies.

You can modify or withdraw your consent at any time by email:

What are cookies

A cookie is a small text store on your computer or mobile device when you use the site.

Their purpose is to:

  • Collect information relating to your navigation
  • Send you services adapted to your terminal
  • Personalize content and ads
  • Analyze information
  • etc.

We can share information about the use of our site with our partners.

Some cookies are placed by third-party services that appear on our pages.

Types of cookie 

  • Session cookies which disappear as soon as you leave the site
  • Permanent cookies which remain on your device until the end of their lifespan or until you delete them using the functions of your browser
  • Mandatories
    • Technical (remember your preferences, etc.)
    • Performance (analytics data, etc.)
  • Optional
    • Marketing (advertising internal or external, social networks, retargeting, etc.)

Cookies have different storage durations.

You can also deactivate cookies:

  • On your Internet browser
  • Via a specialized online platform

If cookies are refused, your browsing may be modified.

If you use anti-spam, add the address to your contacts to be sure you receive all our emails.

More information from the French Data Protection Authority (CNIL)

Updating Cookies Policy

Our cookies policy may change. We will post any cookies policy changes on this page and, if the changes are material, we will provide previous notice (including, email notification).


If you have questions about our cookies policy, please contact the INSURTE Data Protection Officer – 5 Ter Rue du Magasin à Poudre 14000 CAEN or